What Are The Qualities Of True Beauty?

Beauty is often defined as the quality of things that makes these things pleasurable to see. These things can be natural, cultural or fictional. Examples of natural beauty are beaches, waterfalls, starry sky and so on. Such beauty, along with individual taste and art, is the basis of aesthetics, among the most important branches of fine arts.

The beauty ideal of an individual may vary from a cultural, religious, national and so on. There is no universal beauty however, because each person possesses, in their own way, their own personal ideals of beauty. For the beholder, beauty is mostly perceived in physical aspects. Therefore, beauty may also be in the aspect of health, illness, death and other non-physical aspects of life. In the broadest sense, beauty can only be appreciated by the individual who has experience it first hand.

Beauty however, is not only a subjective feeling. It depends on how an object makes an individual feel, what kind of feelings one feels when they see a certain object or when they meet a certain person. When we talk about beauty, we refer to all the qualities that are inherent in an object in combination with its own orientation to its environment and with the peculiarities of its own personality. The beholder does not have to determine the value of beauty for himself, but he can certainly provide a list of criteria on which beauty can be measured.

For the aesthetic beholder, beauty is a matter of proportion. In other words, beauty varies from one situation to another and with different individuals. A tree in one country may be considered beautiful if the shape and the size of its leaves attract one’s attention, while a sickly, withered oak tree may be considered beautiful simply because of its inactivity. A bird’s wings may be regarded as depicting beauty, while an ugly human face may be disqualified as beautiful if one sees it with pity.

For the aesthetic beholder, beauty is largely subjective; it is a matter of evaluating whether or not the object satisfies one’s moral and aesthetic standards. It depends primarily on the judgment of the person viewing the object rather than on the standard of beauty that some person may deem to be necessary. Beauty therefore, involves an evaluation of worth rather than an evaluation of necessity.

Many people may worry about what they do not have, but this is only because they fail to see what they have. It is necessary to love ourselves before we can love others, to appreciate ourselves in spite of all the things that may bother us. A good way to make our world a better place is to become more aware of your own beauty and how you treat yourself. If we take the time to examine our beauty in the mirror and then to cultivate it in our daily routine, our world will be a much happier and a better place to be. We may worry about what we do not have, but this is because we refuse to recognize the beauty that we do have.