Beauty And The Behaviour Of The Beauty Complex

Beauty is commonly defined as an aspect of things, which makes these things pleasant to see. These things include sunsets, landscapes, beautiful humans and unique works of art. Beauty, along with beauty and art, is the most important topic of aesthetic, one of the biggest branches of aesthetics. In aesthetic school beauty is defined as “the balance between real and imaginary values or representational intensity.” In other words it’s about how things look rather than how they feel.

According to some definitions beauty has been defined as “a quality of a thing that makes it pleasing to the senses.” A more inclusive definition includes “the beauty of a thing in its surroundings.” Beauty then can be a subjective quality and it is not dependent only on what is seen or heard.

The word beauty in today’s age has become more intertwined with the culture of beauty. We often hear terms like beauty in the media and beauty pages in magazines, and when we look in the mirror we see ourselves reflected in a myriad of ways. While beauty is subjective there are certain attributes that all human beings share, such as certain facial features, hair texture and skin tones, height and weight, and body proportions. We can say that everyone is beautiful in their own way, but how we see ourselves differs from another individual because our inner world and perspective are different from theirs.

Mathematically speaking beauty is a number-the sum of all the values of an object multiplied by the number of elements that make up that object. For example, a square man consists of four equal sides, whereas a round man is symmetrical. If we were to graph the sum of all beauty factors on a graph it would be a perfect U-shape, where each point represents one of the five physical beauty qualities, namely; symmetry, balance, symmetry, aspect, and smoothness. Each of these qualities is a property of an individual’s facial features, where a smooth aspect represents a high beauty factor, whereas a sharp aspect is found in those with low beauty levels.

Many psychologist’s think that a person’s sense of beauty is largely based around the beliefs and thoughts one has about oneself. Often we start to look at people differently after we grow a little more experience. When we spend time with someone we begin to notice subtle hints of what they may not be attractive based upon the clothing they wear or hair color. A man that wears a business suit to work will most likely feel more attractive to a woman than one who wears casual clothes or sweats a lot. A person that tends to overdo the makeup and wears a lot of jewelry also tends to project a more attractive appearance than a person that doesn’t do this.

We come into conscious contact with others that will influence the way we feel beautiful. The first encounter with a person, whether it be sexual or otherwise, can be a defining moment for our sense of beauty. The way we feel about our appearance can affect our overall sense of beauty. It is through these experiences that we begin to learn what kinds of things are attractive to us and which ones are not. It can be through these experiences as well as other sources such as the media that we determine what kinds of behaviors are considered to be attractive and which aren’t.