
The Impacts of Gambling

A person gambles by placing something of value (a bet) on the outcome of a random event where instances of strategy are discounted. Gambling has several impacts that manifest at personal, interpersonal, and societal/community levels. These impacts include benefits and costs. Benefits can be monetary or nonmonetary and include social cohesion, health and well-being, and quality of life. Costs can be monetary or nonmonetary and can be general, problem gambling related, or long-term.

A major impact is how gambling can contribute to a feeling of belonging. It can be particularly powerful for people who struggle with a lack of a sense of belonging. This is especially true in societies where it is less accepted to be open about one’s mental health struggles. For this reason, many people feel compelled to hide their gambling problems from those around them, which can cause serious harm.

Another impact of gambling is its role in providing excitement and thrills. It stimulates the same pleasure centers of the brain as drugs do, and can be very addictive. It can be difficult to stop, even for those who know it is harmful. The urge to bet is hard to overcome because the brain releases a dopamine response that feels the same as a drug high.

In addition to being an enjoyable form of entertainment, gambling can also help meet a person’s needs for a sense of accomplishment and achievement. This can be true for those who play a game that requires skill and practice, or for those who participate in sports betting. However, it is important for people to be aware that gambling can also lead to feelings of disappointment and loss when the outcome of a bet is not what they expected.

A third impact of gambling is its ability to provide a social connection. This is particularly true for older adults, who often engage in recreational gambling as a way of enhancing their self-concept. In fact, some researchers have suggested that this type of gambling may serve as an alternative leisure activity for seniors who otherwise do not have much to choose from in terms of other leisure activities.

For those struggling with a gambling addiction, there are steps that can be taken to address the issue. For example, family members should be vigilant about setting boundaries in managing money and ensuring that the gambler’s debts are not being paid on their behalf. It is also helpful to seek support from a peer group such as Gamblers Anonymous, which follows a twelve-step program modeled after Alcoholics Anonymous. Psychotherapy is also a good option, as it can help a person identify and change unhealthy emotions, thoughts and behaviors that may be contributing to their addiction. Finally, it is essential to find other ways to cope with stress and make new friends, such as joining a book club or sports team, or volunteering for a worthy cause.